Working together to build the forest of tomorrow
Our forests are suffering from climate change: successive droughts, storms, water stress and attacks from insects and fungi, etc.
Today, 60% of the species that fill our forests (spruce, Douglas fir, oak, beech, ash, etc.) are showing signs of becoming weaker.
The concerned forestry world is asking itself about the right selection of species it should be planting and/or preferring in order to prepare the forest of tomorrow – one that is more resilient and capable of dealing with the economic, environmental and social issues at stake.
Anxious to open up the “field of possibilities” the Royal Forestry Society of Belgium (RFSB) has launched the “Trees for Future – Forest Arboretums” project.
Starting in 2018, the Royal Forestry Society of Belgium, whose task it is to preserve our forests, as well as provide training and information for forestry workers about the sustainable management of forests, embarked on this rather madcap and very ambitious project aimed at identifying the forest species and provenances that are resilient to climate change.
What are we doing in practical terms?

A network of experimental plots
Some thirty new forest species and their provenances have been selected to take part in the Trees for Future project.
Make a donation
We need your help to build a forest that is more resilient to climate change.
Also, thanks to the support of the King Baudouin Foundation, you will benefit from a tax rebate of 45% of the value of your donations, if they reach a minimum of 40 € per year.
How do you make a donation?
There are two different ways to make a donation :
- By making a transfer to account number BE10 0000 0000 0404 of the King Baudouin Foundation, mentioning “017/1930/00022”.
- By making a donation online.
Thank you in advance for contributing to the forest of tomorrow!